“It’s All Berry Good” Recipe Contest

The Coos Bay Downtown Association will hold the fifth annual “It’s All Berry Good” recipe contest during the 2023 Blackberry Arts Festival. This year recipes will be accepted at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 26th at Coos Bay Elks No. 1160, located at 265 Central Ave. in downtown Coos Bay. Look for the Berry!
Judging will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the winner’s names will be announced no later than 2 p.m. Saturday at the festival. Prize awards will be made at 2:00 p.m. at the Elks.
The winner and top contestants will receive prizes from our CBDA members.
Submission requirements:
Each recipe entry should be sizable enough for at least six healthy tastes. Each recipe entry must include a copy of a detailed recipe with credit given to the original source; for example Betty Crocker’s Cook Book or great grandma Lulu’s family recipe. *Recipes will be included in an official Blackberry Arts Festival It’s All Berry Good Recipe cookbook at a later date.
When creations are submitted a number will be assigned to ensure anonymity. A photo of you and your recipe will be taken and protected until after the contest. A copy of your recipe will be attached to the contestant’s entry form. Then the special panel of judges will arrive to determine the prize winning “It’s All Berry Good” recipe creations.
Use of blackberries; appearance; prep time/ease of recipe; and of course, taste.