39th Annual Blackberry Arts Festival
The Coos Bay Downtown Association presents the 39th Annual Blackberry Arts Festival on Saturday, August 26th and Sunday, August 27th. This is a free event with activities centered on Central Avenue and will feature an impressive array of talented artisans, music, and great food, including lots of blackberry items. This is a juried art show, so come see all the amazing hand crafted art and blackberry related food. Festival hours are 9am to 6pm on Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sunday. Music is provided Saturday and Sunday by the CBDA. Come check out the singer and songwriters; Saturday- Jeff Torrence at noon, Trent Beaver at 2pm and Terry Rob at 4pm. Sunday- Chris Coach at noon and Ben Rice at 2pm.
The fifth annual “It’s All Berry Good” Blackberry Recipe Contest will be held on Saturday, August 26th. Recipes featuring blackberries will be accepted at 10am at the Coos Bay Elks #1160 located on Central Avenue in downtown Coos Bay. Judging will begin at 11:30am and the winners will be announced no later than 2pm. Prize awards will be made at 2pm at The Elks. For more information call 541-266-9706.
Keep an eye out for the sign of the blackberry throughout the festival and downtown. This year several local restaurants will be joining in the blackberry celebration. You will know it when you see it!