Coos Bay Downtown Association’s Reindeer Roundup
BREAKING NEWS! Friday night, November 25th Santa came to Coos Bay to help the Coos Bay Downtown Association light the city tree. Santa was joined with boys and girls for a weekend of visiting and watching the movie ELF at the Egyptian. Santa was of course accompanied by his reindeer and during the visit, Coos Bay’s Reindeer, Ruckus, convinced the other nine reindeer that they should stay in Coos Bay and do some sightseeing and touristing downtown, Front Street and Coos Bay Village. Santa has just released a notice to the citizens of Coos Bay to be on the lookout for these reindeer. An unidentified source states that you should be able to find these reindeer in participating businesses. When you do find a reindeer, enter to win at those locations and you might win a reward in the form of gift basket with donated items from the
Coos Bay Downtown businesses. These reindeer don’t stay in one location for very long and it would best serve Santa if you spent the next month looking for them throughout the Coos Bay Downtown businesses. Each one you find you are eligible to enter to win. Document your findings with posts on your social media with the hashtag #reindeerroundupcoosbay. Santa is confident that we will be able to convince these wayward reindeer to go back to the North Pole with your
All kidding, aside this event will take place Monday November 28 through December 21st . This is a great way to involve the family and explore all that is downtown Coos Bay. Winners of the rewards will be announced once each week with the last winner on Thursday December 22nd so look hard and enter often. The reindeer will keep moving their location all throughout December, so you have many chances to win. The event will end on December 21st when Santa’s reindeer go back to help
him deliver toys to children around the world.
The Coos Bay Downtown Association promotes Coos Bay as an attractive place to live, work, and visit by continually enhancing the quality life of the downtown area. To learn more about the event visit www.coosbaydowntown.org and follow us on Facebook.