CBDA Utility Art Box Project phase three complete
The Coos Bay Downtown Association (CBDA) is excited to announce that phase three of the Utility Art Box Project is complete. Local artists gathered in downtown Coos Bay for a third round to paint at five different locations on multiple utility boxes. The theme for this phase was “Whimsical, A Little Bit of Ocean Fun”. The color palette was blue, purple, magenta, white and black. The CBDA put out a call to artists and was very pleased with the submissions that were received. Congratulations on a job well done to the following artists: Chance Barnes, Kell Smith, Megan Gray, Emma Meyer and Kaylen Bennett, who were selected for phase three.
This project was an effort to beautify downtown, showcase local talent and create a draw to local businesses. The finished art can be seen by driving or walking downtown and the CBDA hopes you enjoy the added pop of color to our city. Multiple boxes at fifteen locations were painted during three phases. Also, a big thank you to phase one and two artists: Moriah Smith, Emma Meyer, Kaylen Bennett, Megan Gray, Alice Keating, Laura Noel, Monica Deatherage, Bailee McMahon and Shayla Van Tassell. If you would like to get in touch with any of the artists, please contact the CBDA.
Local businesses stepped up to help with the project. Sherwin Williams provided the paint and painting supplies for phase one and two, and Bayshore Paints provided the paint for phase three. Pacific Power also helped sponsor the project which was pivotal to its success. The CBDA extends a heartfelt thank you as this project wouldn’t have been possible without their support.
The mission of the Coos Bay Downtown Association (CBDA) is to foster the development of downtown Coos Bay by strengthening local business, encouraging new business, and connecting the community through partnerships. The Coos Bay Downtown Association is committed to promoting Coos Bay as an attractive place to live, work, and visit by continually enhancing the quality life of the downtown area.
For more information about the Coos Bay Downtown Association visit www.coosbaydowntown.org. You can also follow us on Facebook @coosbaydowntown.